In 2120, two young scientists travel to a foreign planet to acquire a rare plant that can save Earth from a pandemic. The 12 to 17-year-old youth from Hillsides Group Home wanted to create a science fiction film that used global warming and a pandemic as a backdrop to promote unity, tolerance and...
Burnt Feathers, Broken Wings
A documentary about four young girls in the foster care system who are on a mission to shatter stereotypes and overcome their past. The 12 to 17-year-old foster youth from Maryvale Group Home wanted to create a documentary that would give viewers a direct look at how a family’s cycle of addiction...
With hope for the future, five students find their plans derailed when they encounter the systematic setbacks of being Brown. The foster youth from The RightWay Foundation wanted to create a film that showed audiences what it's like to be a young person of color who is negatively judged by societ...