Depressed by the antics of the other ghosts, Casper leaves home to make friends.
Countries: United States of America
Languages: English
Frank Gallop as Narrator
Alan Shay as Casper
Jack Mercer as Ghost, Rooster
Ghost, Rooster as Crew
Nick Tafuri as Crew
Winston Sharples as Crew
Joe Oriolo as Director
Joseph Oriolo as Writer
Seymour Kneitel as Producer
Up Next in Casper the Friendly Ghost Season 1
Casper the Friendly Ghost: Boo Ribbon...
The night is Halloween, the night when witches, goblins and ghosts howl and shriek and scare the life out of you! But unlike the other ghosts, there's Casper. He doesn't want to scare people, he just wants to be friends! Join Casper and his ghoul-friend Wendy, Spooky and the infamous ghostly trio...
Casper the Friendly Ghost: Hide and S...
The night is Halloween, the night when witches, goblins and ghosts howl and shriek and scare the life out of you! But unlike the other ghosts, there's Casper. He doesn't want to scare people, he just wants to be friends! Join Casper and his ghoul-friend Wendy, Spooky and the infamous ghostly trio...
Casper the Friendly Ghost: Bull Fright
Depressed by the antics of the other ghosts, Casper leaves home to make friends.
Countries: United States of America
Languages: English
Frank Gallop as Narrator
Alan Shay as Casper
Jack Mercer as Ghost, RoosterCrew:
Shane Miller as Crew
Nick Tafuri as Crew
Winston Sharples as Crew
Joe ...