It Was Better Tomorrow

It Was Better Tomorrow

Through the hubbub of a revolution, “It was better tomorrow” follows Aida, a Tunisian woman who has to rebuild her entire life and who does not wish to look backwards. She spends her time moving from one poor neighborhood to another. Driven by the will to find a roof over her head and for her children, she takes no notice of the historical events taking place around her. Her only goal is to find a way out and she is convinced that the revolution is a blessing. “It was better tomorrow” shows the atypical journey of this brazen and bold woman in the intense interval of a country’s revolution.

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It Was Better Tomorrow
  • It Was Better Tomorrow

    Through the hubbub of a revolution, “It was better tomorrow” follows Aida, a Tunisian woman who has to rebuild her entire life and who does not wish to look backwards. She spends her time moving from one poor neighborhood to another. Driven by the will to find a roof over her head and for her chi...