A devious riddle divides the party...
Following a group of dysfunctional adventurers on a quest to discover and destroy the mythical Sword of Fighting, JourneyQuest is a comedic adventure through the fantasy world of Fartherall, where intellectual orcs, incompetent wizards, and holy zombies form the living (and not-so-living) backdrop to an epic story of unrequited love, burning passions, and severely reluctant heroism. And running away. Lots of running away.
Countries: United States of America
Languages: English
Christian Doyle as Perf
Anne Kennedy as Nara
Brian Lewis as Carrow
Kevin Pitman as Glorion
Samara Lerman as The Assassin
Emilie Rommel Shimkus as Wren
John Moore as Crew
Dameon Willich as Crew
Steve Wolbrecht as Crew
Matt Vancil as Director
Matt Vancil as Writer
Greg Rubin as Producer
Kat Ogden as Producer
Sarah Sanders Ode as Producer
Chris Ode as Producer
Cornelia Moore as Producer
Aaron Jacobs as Producer
Elizabeth Heile as Producer
Don Early as Producer
Ben Dobyns as Producer
Tony Becerra as Producer
Up Next in JourneyQuest Season 1
JourneyQuest (Episode 3: A Rather Unf...
Perf gives an orcish grammar lesson. Meanwhile, Glorion battles the river...
Following a group of dysfunctional adventurers on a quest to discover and destroy the mythical Sword of Fighting, JourneyQuest is a comedic adventure through the fantasy world of Fartherall, where intellectual orcs, in...
JourneyQuest (Episode 4: Deadly Ancie...
Perf goes on the run... with Nara's destiny.
Following a group of dysfunctional adventurers on a quest to discover and destroy the mythical Sword of Fighting, JourneyQuest is a comedic adventure through the fantasy world of Fartherall, where intellectual orcs, incompetent wizards, and holy zomb...
JourneyQuest (Episode 5: Not a Zombie)
Perf blows another spell, Glorion encounters a gargoyle, and the orcs have a very bad day.
Following a group of dysfunctional adventurers on a quest to discover and destroy the mythical Sword of Fighting, JourneyQuest is a comedic adventure through the fantasy world of Fartherall, where intelle...