Lucky Undies

Lucky Undies

Lucky Undies is a short comedy film that delves into a high school baseball pitcher’s erratic superstition. With game time only hours away, Nick can’t find his lucky underwear – a superstitious ritual that he believes will secure his success on the mound. After failing to forage at home, Nick resorts to his girlfriend’s home, driven by his waggish best friend Will (in a second-hand taxi). Nick and Will are faced with his girlfriend’s outlandish father, a daunting plumber and of course, time, as they carry on the desperate search for the missing underwear.

Lucky Undies
  • Lucky Undies

    Lucky Undies is a short comedy film that delves into a high school baseball pitcher’s erratic superstition. With game time only hours away, Nick can’t find his lucky underwear – a superstitious ritual that he believes will secure his success on the mound. After failing to forage at home, Nick res...