The Devil's Passenger

The Devil's Passenger

The Devil's Passenger is about Lauren (Colleen Kelly) who witnesses what she thinks is a kidnapping of Shannon (Gabrielle Niebauer) in a white cargo van. Unable to call the police, Lauren follows the van. This soon leads her down a road of terror.

Director of Photography-Sean Finnegan;
Gaffer-Louis Shah;
Art Director-Elena Nommensen;
Art Assistant-Natalia Poltoratzky;
Art Assistant-Tara Lynch;
Art Assistant-Melanie Leandro;
Sound Recording-Steve Young;
Makeup Lead-Melissa Capistrano;
Makeup Assistant-Jessica Clark;
Sound Design-Paper Mountain Post;
Music composer-Alex Winkler;
Sound Designer-Christina Gonzalez;
Visual Effects-Albin Larsson;
Colorist-Trevor Durtschi;
Storyboard Artist-Kamilla Sharypova;
Production Assistant-Isaiah Sturge

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The Devil's Passenger
  • The Devil's Passenger

    The Devil's Passenger is about Lauren (Colleen Kelly) who witnesses what she thinks is a kidnapping of Shannon (Gabrielle Niebauer) in a white cargo van. Unable to call the police, Lauren follows the van. This soon leads her down a road of terror.

    Director of Photography-Sean Finnegan;