The Last Message of God

The Last Message of God

At the age of 25, Micheal, a young man from New York starts to question himself on whether there is a God or not? If there is, then why did God create us? What are all of the people on our planet actually here for? What is the meaning of life? In an attempt to find answers to these questions Micheal sets out to learn about the world’s different religions; from ancient to modern. He travels from New York to Mexico, Greece, Egypt, to India and Saudi Arabia in search of insights and answers. In New York he goes to Church, Synagogue and Mosque to learn about modern religions such as Christianity, Judaism and Islam. He learns that the modern religions believe only in one God. They believe that one day the world will end and everything we do will be recorded and will be saved, so that in the judgement day we will be judged according the god and bad things we have done in this world. In Mexico he learns about Mayans religion and that they worshiped 160 Gods, that they had rain God, thunder God and etc. In Greece he learns that ancient Greeks had thousands of Gods. The same in Egypt . In India Hindus worship 330 millions of Gods and that some of the pagans believe in reincarnation. In the end, he start to believe that God exist and that which one of all these modern and ancient religions are message of God.

He get the answer to all of his questions and finally he finds “The Last Message of God”.

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The Last Message of God
  • The Last Message of God

    At the age of 25, Micheal, a young man from New York starts to question himself on whether there is a God or not? If there is, then why did God create us? What are all of the people on our planet actually here for? What is the meaning of life? In an attempt to find answers to these questions Mich...