The Pilgrim

The Pilgrim

Roman had a turbulent life. After interrupted medical studies, he left for Singapore and became a smuggler. He smuggled people and electronics. After returning to Poland, he started working in a corporation. His life finally seemed to roll on the right tracks until the day he was arrested and accused of crimes committed six years earlier. After his release, he decided to break up with his old life. He began writing icons and walking around the world. As he says, he wanted to "crawl, burn, destroy something." A divorced father of a twenty-year-old daughter who is trying to atone for past mistakes during hiking trips. We meet him when, along with other former prisoners, he plans to walk from Poland to Moscow and back, a total of 4,500 km. During the journey, the hero faces bothering him with difficult questions, and he will look for answers, looking deep into his own interior. The pilgrimage, planned as a way of reconciliation between East and West, will show him the path to another reconciliation. Her finale may turn out to be very different from what the protagonist planned humanly ...

The Pilgrim
  • The Pilgrim

    Roman had a turbulent life. After interrupted medical studies, he left for Singapore and became a smuggler. He smuggled people and electronics. After returning to Poland, he started working in a corporation. His life finally seemed to roll on the right tracks until the day he was arrested and acc...