When We Talk About KGB

When We Talk About KGB

A young freedom fighter and a KGB operative both grew up during the Soviet era. Today they describe what made them choose their different directions. After many years of waiting for her husband to return from a psychiatric hospital-prison, a dissident's wife tries to fill the enormous vacuum in his memory. A writer for the underground press who was sentenced to seven years in exile meets his former interrogator. A collector of antiques goes to a hotel in the center of Vilnius where he was once arrested, and afterwards disappeared for nine months, looking for answers to unanswered questions. "When we Talk about the KGB" consists of seven heart-rending life stories, pointing to the lingering guilt over Soviet crimes, and the euphoria over the victory of freedom.

When We Talk About KGB
  • When We Talk About KGB

    A young freedom fighter and a KGB operative both grew up during the Soviet era. Today they describe what made them choose their different directions. After many years of waiting for her husband to return from a psychiatric hospital-prison, a dissident's wife tries to fill the enormous vacuum in h...