The Great Malaise
In the voiceover for this animated short, a young woman attempts to describe herself, casting her life in the ideal light that society expects. The film’s imagery, however, tells a different story, poignantly illustrating the intense anxiety that comes with the quest for perfection and the pursui...
The End of Pinky
The End of Pinky revolves around three fallen angels seeking companionship and humanity in the shadows of the red-light district, in a mythic, magically realized Montreal. The survivor of traumatic childhood experiences recounted in heartbreakingly droll fashion, Johnny is a handsome thief who fi...
The Drag
A colour cartoon about tobacco addiction and the difficulty of breaking the habit. This case history of a chain smoker--told on a psychiatrist's couch, with the patient's recollections amusingly illustrated--explains the whole psychology of the smoking habit and the part that cigarette advertisin...
The Day Is Listening
This animated film is above all a love story told with emotion and delicacy. A man loves a woman; both of them love literature. We discover the murmur of their lives, the harmony of their feelings—and we learn how their affection for novels and poetry marks their existence beyond death. The fruit...
The Circus
In the vestibule of a hospital room, a young boy waits to see his dying mother. The clamor and spiraling movements of bodies around him intensify, forming a grotesque circus—a cacophonous circle that pushes the child back, depriving him of one final touch of his mother's hand. Using rotoscoped dr...
The Chinese Violin
A young girl and her father leave everything familiar behind when they move to Canada from China. The only piece of home they bring with them is a Chinese violin. As they face the huge challenges of starting new lives in a new place, the music of the violin connects them to the life they left beh...
The Basketball Game
In 1983, nine-year-old Hart attends Jewish summer camp for the first time, while in a nearby Alberta town a social studies teacher makes headlines after it’s discovered he’s been teaching anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial. In the aftermath, the teacher’s former students are invited to Hart’s cam...
The Banquet of the Concubine
In the Imperial City in the year 746, during the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Li gives a banquet in honour of his favourite concubine, Yang. The guests pay their respects to the great beauty. A magnificent feast is served. The incense burns down, but the celebration is still missing two essential elemen...
The Angel of St. Catherine's Academy
While being terrorized by one of their own, the kids of a group home come together to take her down.
Sweet Madness, Lasting Lunacy
Sweet Madness, Lasting Lunacy is a walk in the daily life of several psychiatric institutions. From waking up to going to bed, this animated documentary meets extraordinary people who let us enter their privacy. The wealth, humor and sensitivity of these people make this ride unforgettable ...