
  • Sugar Shack


    Meet: A man, his maple farm, and his wolf.

  • Suck, Squeeze, Bang, Blow


    There is poetry in the act of breathing life into someone else's scrap, even if it is only for one last heroic dance. Suck, Squeeze, Bang, Blow is an ode to the creativity of banger racing.

  • Subway Love


    I wrote this as I waited for the F train at West 4th on a day where it just WASN'T coming. It was a particularly hot and sweaty day and as the station filled up it got hotter and sweatier. Eventually I realized we were 250 people staring into a black tunnel and I started trying to make eye contac...

  • Strong Water


    Across the U.S. River surfing communities are popping up. This is due, in part, to cities cleaning and reclaiming their river waterfronts. Years ago Missoula, Montana clean its river and cleared the way for Montana's first surf community. KB and Luke sit at the helm of this community and the futu...

  • Stories of Friendship


    Stories of how the British helped the Italians fight the Nazi's during World War II and of its aftermath. Includes exclusive photographs and archive footage form the Imperial Museum. Stories of Friendship testify that even in war there is room for positive values. Brotherhood and solidarity are a...

  • Stories from Tahrir


    Ten Months after the revolution in Egypt brought down the 30-year regime of President Hosni Mubarak, Director Khaled Sayed returned to Tahrir Square in Cairo, where the revolution started. He came follow up with many of the revolutionaries, leaders, and ordinarily Egyptian citizens he interviewed...

  • Stoney Knows How


    Stoney Knows How is a visit with a master of the Oldest Art In The World - Tattooing. Disabled by arthritis since the age of four, confined to a wheelchair, his growth stunted, Stoney St. Clair joined the circus at 15 as a sword-swallower. A year later, he took up tattooing, and traveled with cir...

  • Steel Homes


    Self-storage units are windows into human histories: the silent cells with their myriad objects and dust-covered furniture are inscribed with past dreams, secret hopes, and lives we cannot let go of. STEEL HOMES explores the fragmented nature of memories, set in the starkly beautiful aesthetic of...

  • Startup is the New Black


    A look at the startup culture of Miami, told through the eyes of the fashion industry.

  • Standing Start


    Just what does it take to be the fastest starter in the world? Standing Start gives a unique insight into Olympic cyclist Craig MacLean's life, his unflinching focus and preparation to battle it out on the world stage - portrayed like a gladiator.

  • Stairwell: Trapped In The World Trade Center


    A fireman tries to help his bestfriend and a group of people to escape from the twin towers on 9/11.

  • Sporran Makers


    Mr Scott is the boss of a traditional Scottish sporran workshop.

  • Spoon


    This film is about a plastic spoon and a society that has reached such a level of development that it extracts petroleum from the depths of the earth, transports it to a refinery, where it is turned into plastic, then transports the plastic to another factory, where it takes on the form of a spoo...

  • Spooks, Hoods and the Hidden Elite


    A documentary revealing secrets of the JFK assassination from a man who died eight days later.

  • Spinners


    "Spinners" is a documentary about sign spinners, a group of young athletes taking on an innovative form of guerilla marketing while establishing a globally competitive sport. This film follows the lives of five sign spinners as they compete in the 2010 AArrow Sign Spinning World Championship. The...

  • Spare


    When Frank's flimsy plan to whack Leo is tampered by a flat tire and Leo flees the scene, the two gangsters embark on a chase deep into the woods where they experience unforeseen intimacy.

  • Soyalism


    In a world struck by climate change and overpopulation, food production control is increasingly becoming a huge business for a handful of giant corporations. Following the industrial production chain of pork, from China to Brazil through the Unites States and Mozambique, this documentary illustra...

  • Souvenirs of Bucovina: A Romanian Survival Guide


    SOUVENIRS OF BUCOVINA: A Romanian Survival Guide' is a two-hour documentary about the region of Bucovina which is located on the northern slopes of the central Eastern Carpathians and adjoining plains; which, at various points over the past two millennia, has been conquered and controlled by the ...

  • Something Out of Nothing


    Something Out of Nothing follows a group of at-risk teenagers as they learn about improv comedy through an after school arts program in Chicago, Illinois. They succeed and struggle during the summer program that culminates in a show.

    The documentary examines how race and comedy relate to each ot...

  • Solo - Out of a Dream


    Twenty years ago, at the age of 11, Leonardo wanted to become a professional soccer player to escape the poverty and violence of the slums of Rio de Janeiro. The film that was made at the time miraculously made his dream come true.
    In 1994, 11 year-old Leonardo, was portrayed in the Award-winning...

  • Soleá


    Set in Seville, Spain, this short film follows a day in the life of flamenco guitarist Juan Ramírez.

  • Sneak Up by Raymond Caplin


    Through song and dance, traditional dancers tell stories with rhythmic movement and chants, body language perpetuating our culture and stories, I,v chosen to animate a recurring traditional song from my powwow, known as sneak up.

  • Smoke, Sand and Rubber


    Smoke, Sand and Rubber is a documentary about a race car driver in his eighties, Mel Anthony.

  • Small Town Silver Screen


    Documentary on challenges and revival of small town theatres in rural midwest.