Anomaly centers on the interconnected stories of several lives that coincide with a longawaited astronomical event. Astronaut Oliver Grier struggles to navigate a different impendingarrival, the miraculous conception of a child he did not father with a girl he has fallen deeply in lovewith, Haley...
Brynjar is middle aged and newly divorced. Now he suddenly finds himself alone in the huge house that he use to share with his family. Driven by loneliness he seeks companionship at work, tying to bond with his younger coworker Máni. At the same time shadow creatures created by his own subconscio...
And After All
Charlotte (Annabelle Dexter-Jones), moved to New York City from her small New England town at a young age to pursue a life as an artist. After years of working and on the eve of her first major solo exhibition, she struggles to keep up as the center of attention and faces betrayal by her best fri...
American Life
17-year-old Michael uses boxing for moments of escape from his violent Chicago community. But, when a gang won’t stop using his brother, he leaves his gloves behind and does what he feels he must to protect his family.
Chicago remains one of the most segregated and economically disproportionate ...
Always on My Mind
New year´s eve is crucial to the lives of Zoe, Gabriel and Adrian. They believed they had found the formula of perfect love. They want to be happy but the complexity of a threesome and not feeling loved in return will skirt them to make choices that will affect them forever.
Along the Road (Langs Vagen)
Two truck drivers, Ronny and Micke, have a secret relationship. They meet up at rest areas along the road, where no one can see them. Both of them are longing for something more, but Ronny already has a family.
All Through The Night
It’s the night before his father, a retired choir conductor with Alzheimer’s (TIM DALY of "Madam Secretary" and "The Sopranos"), moves into a long-term clinic, and Neil Kelly (LUKE SLATTERY of "Boys in the Boat" and "New Amsterdam") is determined to stir his dad’s memory while facing his own.
A young couple are building a life together in their new home. Andrea and Anna, whilst joking and fighting, plan their future. I have to tell you something.... There are announcements that change everything and make bonds deeper, there are events however that destroy those bonds; like the loss of...
Satsuki is a high school girl who has a body with a man but is also dating an older woman, Jun. When I get home, there is a mother waiting to blame me for dating a woman. The loneliness that seems to be 'crazy' even to the mother who is the closest to her is that the act of liking a person who is...
After Roberto
Roberto, a displaced New Yorker living in Genoa, Italy, finds himself the subject of a mysterious stalker. This is the story of one mans conflict between taking responsibility for his actions and holding onto his need for self-preservation. A psychological drama that takes you on a journey throug...