Malaria is a short film that depicts the downfall of an ordinary hard-working US citizen, who loses his job, is bitten by a mosquito, and descends into a fever and sickness. While being ignored by those surrounding him and finding himself in the darkest of places, this citizen's journey ultimatel...
Struggling Chicago fashion design student Tracy (Diana Ross) goes from rags to riches when a chance meeting with hotshot fashion photographer Sean (Anthony Perkins) in the department store where she works leads to a runway life as a model in Rome. Tracy's overnight success and strong ambitions br...
Made For Each Other
Young lawyer meets and marries girl after knowing her one day. Takes bride home to meet his mother who disapproves of the marriage. Lawyer thinks everything will be fine as he moves up the ladder of the law firm. He doesn't and things get tough. A baby makes things even tougher.
Mad Dogs
London, one year from today... The dogs of England are dying, of "Mad Dog Disease," and Rabbie Burns, young drifter and certified schizophrenic, is hearing voices again - on underground trains, over supermarket tannoys, and on his own T.V. He has 30 hours, a last weekend, to save the world from i...
Maangamizi: The Ancient One
An American woman doctor comes to Tanzania to work at a hospital for the mentally disturbed, with her Tanzanian lover. There, she meets a sometimes catatonic patient, Samahe, who seems to be in communication with another reality. In their confrontation with their individual and collective pasts, ...
Hyeon-myeong, Seong-pil, Doo-yong and Gun-woo decide to spend a night in the 'mot', their secret hideout to celebrate their last winter vacation as teenagers and Seong-pil's sister, Kyeong-mi's birthday. The party goes on through the night and Gun-woo and Kyeong-mi decide to take a walk into the ...
A serial killer in London is murdering young women whom he meets through the personal columns of newspapers; he announces each of his murders to the police by sending them a cryptic poem. After a dancer disappears, the police enlist an American friend of hers, Sandra Carpenter, to answer advertis...
Luma St.
Luma St. revolves around the idea of people missing the beauty in everyday life.
A young girl overcomes huge obstacles to indulge her curiosity in a buskers performance. She is rewarded with a magical aurora of light and sound whilst giving up that what is most precious to her as a token of her...
Lover on a Train (坐火车的情人)
Lover on a Train
Lovely by Surprise
A truly unique and visually stunning take on meta-fiction, Lovely By Surprise follows the journey of novelist Marian Walker as she attempts to finish her first novel.
Facing the age-old problem of writer's block, Marian seeks advice from a mentor and ex-lover. His seemingly innocent advice to ki...
Love Simple
Adam and Seta fall madly in love after meeting in a Brooklyn laundromat. She suffers from Lupus. He's stuck at home caring for his chronically ill father. Both lie through their teeth to avoid having to reveal they are anything but perfect. How long can this fabled romance last?
Love Notes
Each evening, when the world turns dark, Spencer plays piano alone in his house. His music flows through his window into the night unnoticed, until one day the perfect recipient hears it, and responds with her violin. Without words or vision, there is a deep and happy connection, as though the tw...
Love: Augmented
This anthology film portrays love beyond the status quo. Five stories about self-love, same-sex relationships, new-found love and polyamory starring a fully, sexually diverse ensemble. From Mattioli Productions, a trans-owned production company, these stories explore what it means to love without...